
Friday, October 29, 2010

Etc... Etc...Boy to Man.

Who would've thought that the boy in the pix below...

... has grown to become such a 'handsome' man! A 'stylish' one.
(Huargh, huargh, huargh!! That's a big LAUGH okay...)

It's 29th October.
Happy Birthday to me!

I just can't believe that I've lived a generation.
Yet for everyone else that meet me the first time, they would always guess the wrong age.
It's always at least 5 years younger!
(I normally got 8 years younger. 8? What? A teenager? Lol)

Truly, I have to thank L'oreal MenExpert products for that.
Why? Because it's frickin' worth it! =)
(L'oreal people... call me! ahaks!)

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