
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Printable shoulder tattoo designs in Maori Kiri tuhi style


In my webshop I sell high resolution printable tattoo designs.
Once a tattoo image is ordered, I send a high res image to the customer and he/she can print it or send it to his/her tattoo artist. All designs are scanned at 300 dpi resolution and can be scaled to any size you wish.

The tatoos I make are all handdrawn on A3 size printing paper. I start with a rough outline of the design with a pencil and add some Kirituhi ferns and shapes. Along the process the patterns are added, lines, triangles, dots, and so on.

When the pencil design is completed, I trace the tatoo with a black fibre tip marker and erase all pencil lines. The drawing is scanned in high resolution and optimized, erasing dust, little smudges etc.

I wanted to highlight one of the tatoos from my portfolio, so you can see how a full size design looks. The design is nr 140 in my shoulder gallery. The highlighted area is also shown at 100% (click the image for real-size) and you see the linedrawing.

high resolution tribal tattoo designs to print

printable high res maori tatoo imagesmaori tattoo linedrawing high resolution image

(If you wish to get this particular design, you can order here and pay with your Paypal account or your creditcard.)

I will be working on an extension for shoulder tattoo 143 and maybe a nice forearm tattoo design, so just get back soon.

Regards, Mark Storm

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